Episode 2: Green Bottoms Up
After receiving a request to appear on the show from Ms. Truck and Hitch 2004 to 2007 (Christine Miller), Smooch and The Chronic Crew head to the house of a real life beauty queen. When they arrive, they discover that their pre-conceived notions are completely true: girls, girls and more girls. After being forced into a “wardrobe” change, Smooch, alongside Ms. Truck and Hitch 2004 to 2007 attempts to create a low-calorie tainted smoothy: The Green Bottoms Up. Unbeknownst to Smooch, Ms. Truck and Hitch 2004 to 2007 is at a cross roads in her life and plans to either take over the show or to run off with her internet boyfriend LaserLord2013.
Will Ms. Truck and Hitch 2004 to 2007 take over the show or will Smooch get her to follow her heart? Will the bikini clad distractions prevent The Chronic Crew from filming the show at all?